‘Pastry Thing’ recipe

Recipe for a delicious and easily made pastry thing

Get creative: make a zine!

It’s time to use that sticker collection you have been neglecting and explore your personal style!

How Lois Balshaw is confronting the UK’s systemic failures in women’s healthcare

Jenni Kingsworth discusses Lois Balshaw’s fight for much needed improvement in women’s healthcare

This weeks’ editorial from the General Editors.

Should we be able to give books a bad review?

In this article, the Editor-in-Chief discusses the pressing debate surrounding whether we should be able to leave books a public negative review, following the Cait Corrain scandal.

    The Bubble is a Durham SU student group. Durham Students’ Union (also known as Durham SU or DSU) is a charity registered in England and Wales (1145400) and a company limited by guarantee (07689815). Its principal address is Dunelm House, New Elvet, Durham, County Durham, DH1 3AN.