Eight forty-five, again. I close my eyes, feeling the intermittent pulsating of the veins in my feet, throbbing to the tick-tock of the clock on the wall. The room is too noisy, it is the clock, or maybe the remaining silence is stretched too thin. It has been months since I last wrote joy […]
Emily Sanderson reviews DULOG’s recent production of the musical ‘Crazy for You’ at the Gala Theatre.
Claire Manning Duignan discusses concern over recent political influence on social media in US politics.
Image: totalnews.com It’s been a rough few weeks for Prime Minister Keir Starmer, regarding the lurking controversy of the ‘grooming gangs scandal’, a point of contention that has even more so deepened the political division of right and left wing in Britain. However, an unexpected branch of this controversy has proved to be the […]
Recipe for a delicious and easily made pastry thing
It’s time to use that sticker collection you have been neglecting and explore your personal style!
Jenni Kingsworth discusses Lois Balshaw’s fight for much needed improvement in women’s healthcare
This weeks’ editorial from the General Editors.
In this article, the Editor-in-Chief discusses the pressing debate surrounding whether we should be able to leave books a public negative review, following the Cait Corrain scandal.