Achievements and Thank Yous

Due to the nature of this time of year, I will keep this short and sweet.

This week’s Editor’s Note is dedicated to everyone who touches The Bubble in some way and enables us to keep publishing: our readers, our contributors, our editors. Recognising the hard work and talent we receive from across the student community was the purpose of our End-of-Year Boat Party we held last Friday, which was a marked success. I hope we can make this a tradition for The Bubble going forward as we continue to rise and expand; in the last year alone we’ve almost doubled our membership and exponentially increased our views.

At this time I want to re-assert the values The Bubble holds dear: we want to offer students, of any background and any experience, a platform. We want you to have the chance to boost your CV, gain new skills and have the chance to publicise your freedom of expression in whatever form. Most importantly, we want to provide you the opportunity to really shape an already existing organisation and leave an imprint as large as you want – not simply feel like a cog in a bigger wheel. I hope every few years The Bubble will be barely recognisable from the last as students change its path and direction.

In vein of this, we have another excellent set of Editor’s Picks by writers making their impact:

Rowan Evans – More Diversity is Needed in Games Criticism

An article highlighting the issues deriving from a lack of representation of women in the gaming industry

Image courtesy of Sony

Angelos Sofocleous – Lunch Tables Philosophised

Have you ever wondered about the socio-psychological dynamics of where you choose to sit in a café? What bearing does this have on philosophy?

Nicola Thompson – Neonicotinoids: What Are They and Why Are They Banned?

An important reminder of the environmental dangers of pesticides.

Lauren Woodhead – Portaloos and Flip-flops: How to Run a Marathon

A step-by-step guide of the dos and don’ts of committing to running a marathon

Manchester Marathon 2018

Michaela Atanassova – Far Cry 5: American Epic

Far Cry in review: has the game progressed, or is the franchise losing steam?


Best wishes for the rest of the exam season,

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