
How to Keep your Fitness New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of the year again. January. That bleak and never-ending month where the temperature barely scrapes above the 2-degree Celsius mark, and everybody is seemingly miserable and skint. It is also the month where everybody guiltily resolves to become healthier and fitter following the indulgence and carefree festivities of the Christmas season. For […]

Veganism: What’s Your Excuse?

You may not want to become vegan for animal rights purposes, despite the wealth of scientific evidence you may believe that a meat and dairy based diet is better for your health, but with 12 years to reverse climate change it is now an urgency to turn vegan for the environment. The meat industry relies on supply and demand, and the vast increase in veganism demonstrates that individual actions can force capitalism to adapt to tackle climate change on a mass scale.

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