Author Archives: Stephanie Hanson

A Case of Malady, M’Lady: Love, Sickness and Desire

Last Thursday was Valentine’s Day, and while many will have been engaged in a day of celebrating love, I wonder just how many will have questioned how being in love changes the individual: physically and psychologically? Equally, one might ask, what about the absence of love, unrequited love, and the pang, perhaps, of a love […]

From LOLcats to Prehistoric Penises: The History of Memes

It’s typical to think of memes as a modern phenomenon. Indeed internet memes are, but what if “meme-age” refers to something deeper, something more entrenched in the history of culture and societal practices. While the notion of the meme is complex, and critics have difficulty fixing down its meaning even now, delving into the mystery of […]

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