Sticky Cinnamon Buns

Sticky Cinnamon Buns

Fresh out of the oven…

Love these. Beautiful. Always going to be a favourite! They take a long time but are so worth it!


  • 425g strong white bread flour
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 7g yeast
  • 300ml milk
  • 40g butter
  • Lots of sultanas
  • Lots of cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 2 tbsp icing sugar
  • 1 tbsp water


Pop the flour, caster sugar, yeast, milk and the butter in a bowl. Mix together into a dough with a knife. Take out of bowl and knead well on a floured board.

Leave to prove for about 2 hours. Now knead again and roll out into a large rectangle.

Cover with the sultanas, cinnamon and brown sugar. Roll it up from the long edge. Cut into pieces with a serrated knife. Put on a floured baking tin, cut side up.

Cook for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. Check they are done by tapping them (should sound hollow) and sticking a knife in to have a look – the texture should be bread-like.

Making the icing: use 2 tbsp of icing sugar, 1 tbsp of water and a sprinkling of cinnamon (it should start to look an off-white colour). Stir up and pour over the rolls.

BOOM. Done.

Find these (and more!) on the Barking Baking website. Enjoy!

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