Culture & Arts

Shakespeare’s sonnets and the complexities of being in love

Originating in 13th century Italy, the sonnet is a 14-line poem typically consisting of 10 beats per line – known as being written in Iambic pentameter. The rhythm of iambic pentameter resembles the sound of a heartbeat, one soft beat followed by one strong beat, that is then repeated five times to create the 10 […]

Kenya Parry Josiah, the beauty of giving market stall art vibes over gallery art any day of the week.

  Kenya Parry Josiah, is a 29-year-old artist living in London. Kenya’s work is inspired by folk art, her Caribbean heritage, love of colour and life. I first encountered Kenya’s art like many things I consume these days though Instagram. The difference was, I was instantly captivated by her quirky style and spent ages scrolling […]

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