Author Archives: Rory McKinley

The Self-Erasing Self: Reclaiming the Neurodivergent Identity

Throughout ‘Movember’ and its immediate aftermath, the university has put on a number of events for the sake of Mental Health Awareness. But for those of us who have suffered the ravages of mental health stigma for years on end, it’s a real struggle not to be cynical. Neurodivergents – i.e. anyone whose psychology lies […]

Close-Up of Durham Cathedral Sanctuary Knocker

Poem: Wiglaf

The last of us, my sleeping aged king, The last of us, and mine is hero’s work: Defending my expired kingdom, bound To wander weaponless beneath the kirk. Enshrined in splendour’s shadow, ravens caw And banquet on the scores of unburnt dead; O where’s the hand that guided us before, For whose heroic fame we […]

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