7 podcasts to listen to for sex, love and gender (ranked):

As a long time pod cat and sex education enthusiast I thought Lockdown 3 would be the perfect opportunity to share the podcasts I listen to in order to learn more about sex, love, gender and relationships, so here we go:

  1. Same but Different

This podcast is hosted by Irish youtuber and OnlyFans creator Keelin Moncreiff. In this series Keelin talks about any number of topics, but my personal favourite is the episode on periods and birth control which she did with her sister, it was so gratifying to listen to two women talk frankly about the impacts of the pill on mental health as well as the realities of menstruation.

  1. Doing It

Created by the Youtuber Hannah Witton, this series is consistently high quality, educative content with an incredibly varied history of guests. The first episode with Scarlett Curtis is a great place to start, but I personally loved Hannah’s conversations with Thomas Henley about Autism, Dating and Relationships as it was a topic I’ve heard next to nothing about previously.

  1. Love Stories

This podcast series by Dolly Alderton is one of the pinnacles of UK podcasting, this series is so heart-warming and only comes in at three on the list because there are no more episodes coming and I’m extremely bitter. In the series, Dolly asks each guest about their most defining relationships and their experiences with love. My favourite episode is Jessie Cave’s (Lavender Brown from Harry Potter), because of her open and powerful descriptions of heart break and motherhood.

  1. The Butterfly Effect and The August Stories

One of the best podcast series I’ve ever listened to, Jon Ronson is an investigative journalist and in this series he deep dives into the porn industry and all the intricacies therein. Both series are fascinating as well as heart-breaking – I binged both in only a few days because I couldn’t stop listening.

  1. My Dad Wrote a Porno

An oldie but a goodie, this podcast is the hilarious creation of Jamie Morton, James Cooper and Alice Levine. The three all read the erotic fiction which Jamie Morton’s father has started to write in retirement – each episode is as funny as the last.

  1. Hot and Bothered

A really sweet podcast, this podcast is one woman’s effort to combine two loves – story telling and romance. Vanessa Zoltan, the host, takes prompts (fantasies) each week to build a romance story which is read within the podcast while the romantic trope is dissected and explored with forensic detail. Currently, the podcast is reading twilight in quarantine and analysing each chapter

  1. Sex, Power, Money 

Much like Hannah Witton’s podcast, this series by comedian Sara Pascoe has a wide variety of guests and is educational while still managing to be funny. My personal favourite episode is the one with Sophie Mathisen where they talk about what it means to be a sugar baby.

Featured Image by Stas Knop from Pexels 

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