This year, the DUCFS emphasis on its two chosen charities, #STOPTHETRAFFIK and Fashion Revolution, is greater than ever. With the stress of summative season looming, the DUCFS WKND offers the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the #SHAPESHIFT narrative and inform yourself about the dangers of fast fashion. Even if you only have an hour to spare, there are events on from 15:45 – 20:00 on Friday and from 12 pm until 2 am on Saturday.

Friday’s Speaker Series will run from 15:35 – 20:00 in Prior’s Hall, an incredible space that you probably have not visited in the Cathedral. Head to the Charity Panel Discussion at 17:15, which predominantly concerns worker exploitation while Conscious Consumption will be discussed from 18:30 onwards.  

As we enter a new decade, it is seminal that we educate ourselves on the contemporary supply chain and take the initiative to ask #WHOMADEMYCLOTHES, a Fashion Revolution social media movement, when making quick clothes purchases on a student budget. The Clothes Swap should at the very least inspire you to look beyond online fast-fashion websites and redirect your attention towards charity shops, vintage and your friends’ wardrobes. Despite being a great way of recycling and reusing clothes within the community, take the time while “swapping” to think about the human cost of the clothes on display to eradicate the injustices that we all unintentionally sponsor.

The Clothes Swap is an amazing opportunity to consume without stimulating more production indirectly and contribute to the prevention of unethical working environments.  Meanwhile, the D-Pop shop offers an in-person experience of Depop, a great opportunity to source novel accessories like Loopy London’s earrings and a range of vintage bargains. For once, you can try before you buy, avoiding the typical “no refunds” policy applied by most sellers, avoiding delivery fees and more importantly reducing your carbon footprint. Alternately, the Revamp Camp will certainly offer something that you have never tried before – the opportunity to learn how to repair clothing and revive the dregs of your closet rather than resorting to buying new.

Take the time to check the labels of the clothes that you are buying. Many labels will name a country in Central Asia. While air miles are probably your primary concern, the human cost is scarcely mentioned in the press. The two chosen charities are highlighting the extremity of forced labour, which occurs on a horrendous scale in the material farming industry in Central Asia. STOPTHETRAFFIK’s campaign to Make Fashion #TraffikFree has revealed that less than 35% of workers are paid in the Sumangali region of India, which is only one example of the exploitation that exists at the start of the supply chain. On Saturday afternoon you can tap into your creative side with the Creative Masterclasses, which include photography with Crappy Snaps James Yallop and Keylight Studios Cameron Pulham and a life-drawing class with DUAS. Sign-up is available on the DUCFS Facebook page with limited spaces available.

CRUX at Babylon 18.01.2020

In the evening, head to St Chad’s courtyard to pre for CRUX. Students will be showcasing their artistic, musical and poetical talents before DUCFS takes over Babylon at 22:00. London based broadcaster Jaguar will be playing, supported by Daisy Douglas Miller.


Altogether, the two-day WKND event intends to emulate the aims of both Fashion Revolution and #STOPTHETRAFFIK. Together, we can strive for greater transparency at all stages of the fashion supply chain. To educate yourself further, check out the Thread Blog on the DUCFS website. 





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