This year, the Walk On Fashion Show promises to be bigger than ever. The intercollegiate show is now in its fifth year and for the first time will be spread over two nights on the 21st and 22nd February.
Walk On 20/20 vision intends to explore the hopes and concerns for our generation as we enter into the new decade. In a high-pressure academic environment like Durham, many students feel obliged to make critical decisions about their futures while balancing challenging courses, extracurriculars and social lives. It is hardly surprising therefore that stress levels are higher than ever among our age demographic, particularly when education on how to combat stress is so limited.
Last year, the show raised a record £7522 for Durham City of Sanctuary and F.A.D. This year, Walk On is in aid of the incredible UK Student Mental Health Charity, Student Minds, which is dedicated to improving the mental health services for university students nationwide. According to YouGov, more than a quarter of students in the UK (27%) report having a mental health problem, with depression and anxiety being the most common. Student Minds encourages mental health literacy, which is defined as understanding how to obtain and maintain positive mental health.
The show tries to evade the classic Durham fashion show formula by showcasing a more diverse range of acts and designers. Walk On is known for showcasing a huge variety of innovative designs, particularly designers who have recently graduated from fashion school. Confirmed designers so far include Perky Pants UK, Ellie Baarda, WAVAY Swimwear and SULKE.

Friday through Monday collection by Ellie Baarda with Graphics by Anna Fennell and Photography by Beth Mortimer
Tickets to the show go live at 12pm on Friday 31st January. Tickets are available individually or as tables of 10. All proceeds will go directly to Student Minds.
If you or anyone you know at Durham is struggling with mental health issues, these services are in place at Durham to assist you:
Heads Up is the Durham branch of Student Minds run through the Student Union. Socials are held regularly and you can get involved with volunteering at events.
Connect Durham aims to improve the mental condition of Durham university students involved in the society by doing fun activities based on the 5 ways to well being (New Economics Foundation)- Give/Keep Learning/Connect/Be Active/Take Notice
Talking Changes is a self-help, counselling and talking therapies service designed to help anyone living in the County Durham and Darlington