Author Archives: Madeleine Strom

Is Altruism Truly Achievable?

  Altruism. For some, it seems like a perfect way to live one’s life. For others, it seems almost impossible.   Within society nowadays, instant gratification has never been easier. A post liked on instagram? Boom – happiness point 1. Quickly grabbing a brownie to eat? Boom – happiness point 2.   But is that […]

Getting Muddy for Mitzvah day

Traditionally, the word ‘Mitzvah’ has meant ‘commandment’, but as years have gone by, this translation has progressed into meaning ‘good deed’ or ‘charitable act’. It is through this idea that ‘Mitzvah Day’ has come about, a day where Jews around the UK participate in volunteering and doing something completely selfless. For the Jews here at […]